You know that you need effective marketing to grow your business. And you know that in marketing to affluent clients who can afford your services, that you only have one shot to make a first impression. But if you are like many of our clients you have one of three challenges (if not all).
Challenge #1 You are simply too busy to market consistently. Your priority is serving your clients so you only market when you have client openings and need new sources of revenue.
Challenge #2 You are brilliant at what you do, but marketing isn't it. Between social media, online marketing, direct mail, public relations and goodness knows what else - you simply can't keep up. You have no marketing systems in place and your business is starting to suffer as a result.
Challenge #3 You know you need help but you aren't sure where to start. You have a bunch of service providers telling you that their solution is "The One".
Are You Ready To Find a Solution To Those Challenges?
Join Kelly O'Neil and Sydni Craig Hart for the one time only Free Teleseminar:
On this one time only call they will share:
- How to find the right marketing support for where your business is right now.
- What qualifications to look for in a marketing support partner.
- What type of budget you should expect to invest in outsourcing.
- How to effectively delegate your marketing implementation to ensure that your strategy is executed flawlessly.
- How to measure the results of your campaigns to ensure you are getting the maximum return on investment.
- The biggest mistake that entrepreneurs make in outsourcing their marketing that will wind up costing you a bunch of money, energy and time.
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Added by FullCalendar on August 7, 2009