Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Effective Policy Analysis and Development Workshop 2011

6 & 7 December 2011

Analytical Thinking, Information Gathering and Policy Development Tools for Improved Policy Outcomes

Liquid Learning is delighted to present Effective Policy Analysis and Development Workshop 2011, a practical workshop that provides an in-depth and interactive learning experience to enable you to:
• Acquire the attributes required of peak performing policy officers and analysts
• Achieve a stronger integration between analytical tools, evaluation methods and policy research outcomes
• Understand how to clearly scope, develop and present your policy ideas to diverse audiences
• Engender a culture of collaboration and team work throughout the policy development process
• Understand the obstacles to effective policy development and implementation
• Managing complexity and the pressures of policy development in a changing environment

INTRODUCING YOUR Facilitator: Dr Michael Mintrom, Associate Professor University of Auckland

Michael is an associate professor in the Political Studies Department at the University of Auckland, where he offers courses on Policy Analysis, Evaluation, and Research Methods. Michael received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1994. Prior to that, he received an MAin Economics from the University of Canterbury and worked from 1987 - 1990 as a policy analyst in The Treasury. From 1994 - 2002, he was a faculty member at Michigan State University, where he attained the rank of associate professor with tenure in the Department of Political Science and the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research. He has also been a visiting professor in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development at the University of Southern California.

Michael has published extensively and consulted to government and private organisations on the topics of policy innovation, the advocacy of policy change, and education reform. In 2003, Georgetown University Press published his latest book, People Skills for Policy Analysts. He has previously authored or co-authored books on policy entrepreneurship, innovation and change in local government, and transport regulation published by Princeton University Press, Georgetown University Press, and the American Enterprise Institute. He recently co-authored a policy report for the Human Rights Commission called Framework for the Future: Equal Employment Opportunities in New Zealand.

In 2001, he received the Miriam Mills Award for an Outstanding Young Person in the Field of Policy Studies from the Policy Studies Organisation in the United States. He has also completed a term as President of the Public Policy Section of the American Political Science Association.

Michael has presented policy training extensively in Australia and New Zealand with participants continually commenting on the positive learning experience that Michael creates.

Successful policy development is not limited to defining problems and proposing ideas in order to reach a solution. Effective policy professionals need skills to distil ideas and policy goals into clear actions, within definable timeframes to produce the desired outcomes. The purpose of this workshop is to connect the policy development process to a project management framework. Project management techniques and frameworks offer a means of tackling essential policy development issues including planning, research, analysis, managing organisational boundaries, stakeholders and allocating resources.

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Book & Pay by 16 September 2011 to receive additional Super Saver Discounts!

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Added by Liquid Learning on August 14, 2011