801 California Street
Mountain View, California 94041

Does your interactive company have to contend with the maze of laws dealing with user privacy and publishing user content? Want to do the right thing by the online community that gives your business value, and still fulfill your legal obligations?

EFF is hosting a one-day session for Web 2.0 workers who handle issues arising from users and user-generated content. From DMCA to CDA to ECPA, the law surrounding internet content can be confusing, especially for the folks who have to decide on the fly whether to let something stay up or take it down, or whether to give their customer's name to the FBI agent on the phone. Let us help.


One-Day bootcamp. EFF's staff attorneys will be teamed with private attorneys specializing in the various legal issues. We'll give you the basics on the key topics and you'll leave better able to protect your customers, your company and your job.

Topic areas

* Defamation, harassment, and other accusations of bad behavior.
* Fair use, free culture, and the right to remix.
* Copyright take-downs and put-backs: Understanding the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
* How to respond to cops, crooks, and courts who want your customers' communications and other private information.
* How to avoid becoming the next Napster and stay on the safe side of the Copyright Wars.
* The rights of anonymous speakers.
* Porn, predators, and the pressure to police.
* Lightning rounds on Creative Commons licenses, webcasting and what to do when you've been hacked.

Who should attend

People who do front-line or mid-level work for companies and projects that rely on user-generated content and communications. This includes compliance, customer service and community management workers.


In the past year or so we've met with several Web 2.0 companies, sometimes before -- and sometimes after -- embarassing incidents when they found themselves out of step with their communities or the law. We'd like to give the people who make these important initial decisions the tools they need to do the right thing by their companies and their customers.

How much?

Sliding scale of $100-200 per person. For individuals, some portion may be deductible as a charitable donation. Space is limited, so sign up soon. Email bootcamp@eff.org.

Official Website: http://www.eff.org/bootcamp/

Added by lawgeek on September 18, 2007