9 Adam Street
London, England WC2N 6AA

The event will take the form of a one hour panel debate around the above topic, followed by drinks and canapes. The panel will be made up of:

* Matt Locke (mediator) - Commissioning Editor (Education) at Channel 4 (http://www.channel4.com/4talent/feature.jsp?id=6086)
* Ewan McIntosh - teacher, blogger and educational expert (http://edu.blogs.com/)
* Sarah Gavin - Global Communications Director at Bebo (http://www.bebo.com/StaticPage.jsp?StaticPageId=2895577799)
* Keri Facer - Research Director, Futurelab
* Owen White - Managing Director, KnowledgeBox, Pearson

Only 20 places are available, so please hurry if you are interested. Email your interest to alex@onlinecc.co.uk

Official Website: http://blog.onlinecc.co.uk/index.php/education-unbound/

Added by Alex Boden on November 23, 2007