Event Phone : 949-340-7408
Email : admin@templeoflight.info
Website : http://www.TempleOfLight.info
Description : George Resch presents...Wholly Fit!
Get in shape from the inside out.
Using humor, real life stories and analogies, George blurs the lines between physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Tie them all together instead of keeping them separate and you will experience the synergy and buzz you are looking for.
Too often people go off so far in one direction that they lose their balance. They lose sight of what the ultimate goal was in the first place...happiness. George will teach you about unconditional happiness.
He will not be showing you how to get healthy, but he will be showing you why. There are good reasons, and you're one of them.
We will also touch on a topic which proves to be an Achille's heel for most people, romantic relationships.
This should be a great night full of high energy and a refreshing, unique perspective from a New York transplant living right here in Orange County.
Added by Temple of Light OC on May 1, 2010