Interested in a scholarship to the U.S.?
Representatives of the Ancora Foundation Graduate Fellowship at Standford Graduate Business School will explain this exciting opportunity. General information on scholarships and studying in the U.S. will also be available.
Everyone is invited and no registration. Every activitiy at @america is free of charge.
Tertarik dengan program beasiswa S2 di Amerika?
Perwakilan dari Yayasan Ancora untuk program beasiswa post-graduate di Standford Graduate Business School, akan memberikan presentasi mengenai peluang yang menarik ini. Dapatkan juga informasi umum mengenai studi di Amerika dan program beasiswa lainnya.
Terbuka untuk umum dan tanpa registrasi. Semua kegiatan di @america tidak dipungut biaya.
Official Website:
Added by atamerica on October 25, 2011