It's time again for after work drinks with fellow industry folks in town.
This time, we thought we'd meet up at The Druid downtown (11606 Jasper Avenue NW) at 5:00 pm this Thursday, August 3.
In addition to the usual folk, we'll have some guests visiting from the Banff New Media Institute at the Banff Centre - Susan Kennard (Director & Executive Producer) and Daryl Beatty (Accelerator Program Manager). They would love to meet some of the folks that make up Edmonton's digital media industry while they're in town, so I suggested they join us for drinks this Thursday as an informal social.
It would be a good chance for some of you to meet them and find out a little more about what's happening down in Banff!
Let me know if you would be able to make it, so we have a good sense of numbers.
P.S. By no means do I have a full list of digital media companies in Edmonton. Feel free to pass on this invite to others you know of. Pass on their contact too so they can be added to a growing list for future events!
Ken Bautista
CEO & Executive Producer
Hotrocket Studios Inc.
Rocketfuel Productions Inc.
Mobile: (780) 993-8794
Skype: kenbautista
Ken Bautista
Digital Media Association of Alberta
Added by sharktank9000 on July 31, 2006