256 Grand St Between Driggs and Roebling
Brooklyn, New York 11211

We accepted a recent offer to play at the Trash Bar in Brooklyn, NY this Friday 9/8 at 8pm. Admission is $6, and includes an all you can drink open bar between 8-9pm (conveniently aligned with our set time). This means, unfortunately, that the event is 21 . So, for those of you who missed us at Femme-fest, or for those of you who just can't get enough Edensong in their lives, please join us on Friday. We'll be bidding a formal farewell to long-time drummer Matt Cozin, as he as he journeys away from Edensong into the world of Orthodontics. The Trashbar is located at 256 Grand Street, between Driggs and Roebling in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 11211. For more info on the venue, visit www.thetrashbar.com. For more information on Edensong, please visit the band's official website www.edensongtheband.com or www.myspace.com/edensong

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of edensong.

Added by edensong on September 7, 2006

Interested 1