A talk by Eddie Tabash sponsored by the Center for Inquiry San Francisco.
Eddie Tabash is a lawyer practicing in Beverly Hills who has been active in defending the rights of athiests and other non-believers. Mr. Tabash's lecture will be an overview of the history of the First Amendment and the many areas of contemporary life in which the religious right is poised to destroy our freedoms.
He has represented the Center for Inquiry in amicus briefs before the United States Supreme Court on church/state matters and is preparing an amicus brief for the Center on the same sex marriage cases now before the California Supreme Court, in which the City and County of San Francisco are plaintiffs. He will argue to the state Supreme Court that bans on same sex marriage are unconstitutional because they enact religious doctrine into law.
He is a lively speaker who will not disappoint.
Center for Inquiry is an international organization whose purpose is to promote and defend reason, science, and freedom of inquiry in all areas of human endeavor. CFI San Francisco is the local organization supporting these efforts in the Bay Area.
Admisssion is $10, free to members of the Cener for Inquiry
Official Website: http://www.centerforinquiry.net/sf
Added by jschwarz on May 16, 2007