The Ecoprise 2008 sustainable business conference will be held at Dalhousie University on March 28-29, 2008. The Faculty of ManagementĀ¹s Norman Newman Centre for Entrepreneurship and Eco-Efficiency Centre will host the event on campus at the newly constructed Rowe Management Building.
Ecoprise 2008 is made possible through funding by Industry Canada, Natural Resources Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and the support of private sector partners.
This conference will bring together delegates, speakers and moderators from across the country to discuss, debate and dream.
In conjunction with the Ecoprise 2008 sustainable business conference, a parallel post-secondary green business plan competition (EcoVenture 2008) will be held.
Details on the conference will be released as they are finalized.
Official Website:
Added by thegreenpages on March 18, 2008