Rapid technological development continuously shifts the limits of the mind towards new challenges. The infrastructure stops being an impediment to the use of new media, and the focus moves from the processing to the creative and inventive power. The world became a place in which the knowledge finally out topped the boundaries that men had set between their tribes. The social networks outnumber populations of states. The rise of user-generated content represents a seismic shift to participatory culture in which each individual can co-create the content they consume. Everyone can be a publisher and, more importantly, everyone's opinion matters.
These are all indicators of new age requiring new people and new ideas. We decided to convene this conference in order to look into the future and bring together people who see farther and who are capable of recognizing the patterns through which the scenarios for the future of digital content are deliberated.
Content Summit is organized as an accompanying event following the 2007 session of the World Summit Award Grand Jury.
Its aim is to draw attention to the importance of electronic content for the development of a society that will put realization of individual people in its focus, where all will create, access, use and share information and knowledge, and which will enable individual people and communities to achieve their full potential.
Join us for a two-day journey into the three eContent related themes: eCommunities, Art & Design as eContent and Innovation and eContent – to be explored through a series of dynamic, inspiring speeches and open discussions with most prominent experts, scientists, artists and thinkers from Croatia and world over. Enjoy the featured award-winning eContent projects and multi-media presentations and find out what are the possible scenarios for the future of digital content. Participation is by invitation only.
Official Website: http://summit07.wsa.hr
Added by BerislavLopac on August 25, 2007