You are cordially invited to participate in a workshop about the future of Utility Computing.
The Workshop
The Internet has
given rise to a powerful new set of paradigms for utility computing - Grid,
Cloud, Software-as-a-Service, to name only a few. Yet in spite of the enormous
potential of these ideas and the undeniable interest they have generated, a
truly broad-based, open market for on-demand computational services has yet to
The GridEconworkshop explores
the potential of open markets for Internet-based computational services and the
challenges they face as we move to exploit the enormous promise of these new
This one-day workshop will bring together leading figures in academia and industry to share their visions of the
future for open computational markets.
Theworkshop will offer an opportunity for the grid,
business and IT communities to
discuss the challenges identified by GridEcon and
to contribute to a roadmap for an open European market in computational
Business models
Grid/Cloud transition for enterprise IT
Compute power sale/resale
Social/legal challenges to uptake
Business opportunities for grid markets
Technology for trading computingresources
Economic models
Application areas
Keynote: Simone Brunozzi, Amazon Europe
Morning Session:
The Economics of Open Computational Markets.
Presentation and Panel Discussion.
Afternoon Session: The
Architecture of Open Computational Markets.
Presentation and Panel Discussion.
Closing Session: The
Future of Open Computational Markets.
Panel and Open Forum.
http://www.gridecon.euOrganized by GridEconGridEconisfundedby the 6th EU FrameworkProgramme(FP6). The project hassought toidentify challenges to the creation of markets for Grid computing and to develop economic models and prototype software that meet these challenges.
Ticket Info: Free, Free
Official Website: http://gridecon-upcoming.eventbrite.com