Colorado Springs Economic Roundtable with Governor Ritter and Small Business Owners 12:00 PM Penrose Library, Carnegie Room 20 N Cascade Ave Colorado Springs, CO On Tuesday, September 30, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius will tour Colorado with visits to Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs for a series of economic roundtables with local women business leaders to highlight Sen. Obama’s commitment to providing economic relief to small business owners by lowering taxes for the vast majority of small businesses, offering a refundable Small Business Health Tax credit of up to 50 percent to help small businesses provide quality health insurance to their employees, implementing the Women-Owned Business contracting program and eliminating all capital gains taxes on small and start-up businesses to encourage innovation and job creation. John McCain has voted against providing tax credits to small businesses that provide health insurance for their employees and has a health care plan that would undermine the employer-based health care system by eliminating the tax exclusion for employer-provided health insurance, a change that 74 percent of members of the National Federation of Independent Business oppose.
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Added by MyBO on September 30, 2008