400 New Jersey Avenue NW
Washington, District of Columbia

Sponsored by: The Club for Growth and The Heritage Foundation

This program will examine why the current Keynesian-type stimulus package will not work and lay out market-oriented solutions that will.

Why the Stimulus Won't Work-Panel 1
Burton Folsom, Charles Kline Professor of History, Hillsdale College
J.D. Foster, Norman B. Ture Senior Fellow in the Economics of Fiscal Policy,
Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, The Heritage Foundation
Arnold Kling, Adjunct Scholar, Cato Institute and Member, Mercatus Center Working
Group on Financial Markets

Market-Based Solutions-Panel 2
William Beach, Director, Center for Data Analysis, The Heritage Foundation
Mario Rizzo, Associate Professor of Economics, New York University
Luigi Zingales, Professor, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

Keynote Address and Luncheon
Donald Boudreaux, Chairman and Professor, Department of Economics,
George Mason University

For additional information, please contact Ann Bula. Call: (202) 608-1524 Fax: (202) 675-1778 Email: specialevents@heritage.org

Official Website: http://www.clubforgrowth.org/index.php

Added by insideronline on February 5, 2009

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