1 Lafayette Square
Buffalo, New York 14203

As we all know, in just a few days Congress will begin to consider the biggest economic package in our nation's history. As our country faces an economic crisis that threatens both our way of life and our national security, the importance of getting this legislation "right" is hard to overstate. There is already a lot of misinformation floating around in the blogosphere about the causes of and contributing factors to the Great Meltdown of '08. And without a serious effort on the part of our elected representatives, and their willingness to ask hard questions and give honest answers, things can only get worse.

So, with all that in mind, Be the Change NY is sponsoring a Economic Forum to give a broad spectrum of people from the Buffalo area the chance to make their voices heard. We have invited Western New York elected officials and others to join us both to ask and to answer questions at this forum. Among them is Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Vice Chair of the House/Senate Joint Economic Committee and Chair of the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Sub-Committee, who we understand will play an important role in this legislative process.

Audience members will be invited to submit written questions reflecting their concerns and their ideas about the economic crisis and its impact on the Western NY region. The more people we can get thinking about our problems, the more likely we are to come up with the best, brightest and boldest ideas to solve the problems.

Please join us this Saturday, January 3rd from 2-4pm at the Main Branch of the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, 1st floor. Your participation in this important forum will assure that those in power hear the Main Street voices of those in Western New York!

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of WNYmathGuy.

Added by WNYmathGuy on January 1, 2009

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