On the afternoon of Tuesday, September 23, we will be throwing a half-day conference in London, discussing the Economics of Music (EconMusic). We will have bosses from labels and the growing crop of internet services in to debate ad funding, “free music”, subscriptions, licensing, mobile, DRM, direct distribution and generally the emerging models for music in the digital age.
We’ll resist the “dinosaurs” comparison, but EconMusic will be held at the Natural History Museum - an impressive venue in Kensington, right in the heart of the district occupied by many of the major labels.
Just a diary marker for now, so save the date. Contact me for programming ideas or rdkotecha AT contentnext DOT com for sponsorship opportunities.
Sign-up will be via http://www.paidcontent.co.uk
Official Website: http://www.paidcontent.co.uk
Added by robertandrews on June 16, 2008