Bucks Horn Oak
Bordon, England GU10 4LS

Gardening mad or green fingered? Get planting with your own mini greenhouse made from a recycled plastic bottle. We will use homemade compost from our wormery. You can even create a bug hotel for plant friendly insects. All materials provided.

Children under 8 years must be accompanied and will need your help.

Date: Tuesday 1 June 2010
Time: 10am - 10:45am and 11am - 11:45am
Age Group: 5 - 10 years ( accompanied)
Cost of Event: £3
Easy Access:
Meeting Place: Education Centre
Clothing Required: All craft materials provided
Booking Required: Essential
Dogs Allowed: No
Contact: Recreation Officer 01420 520212
e-mail: kathleen.calver@forestry.gsi.gov.uk

Official Website: http://www.forestry.gov.uk/website/ourwoods.nsf/LUWebDocsByKey/EnglandSurreyAliceHoltForestAliceHoltForestCentreEcoKids

Added by easthampshire.org on January 4, 2010

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