John Smith Drive
Oxford, England OX4 2JY

The eCampaigning Forum is an event for, by and with campaigning (=advocacy) practitioners using new media. People attend because they wish to engage with other practitioners and the agenda simply offer a framework for this engagement to occur.

The eCampaigning Forum has been running since 2002 and has brought together campaigning practitioners from around the world in one of the most useful events of its kind.

Participation is by application and only those with the required experience are accepted to ensure that all participants can contribute to other as well as gain from the event.

A pre-event gathering is organised to start connecting people on 9 May and a post event gathering is organised for participants who wish to continue conversations on 12 May.

The event 'application' process will be announced first to people on the eCampaigning Forum 'practitioners' list and past participants given first preference. Any remaining empty places will be promoted primarily via the existing participant network (word of mouth) with places secured on the basis of experience and ensuring a diverse participant base.

Official Website:

Added by fairsay on December 28, 2006