Email campaigns are no longer simple and cheap. They are no longer just for advertising. Email campaigns have become an integral part of the overall companies user experience. More and more companies recognize the value of building a relationship with their customers which enables the company to provide a better user experience overall. Email marketing has evolved into a customer service tool not just a marketing short cut. We now have results, tried and true, that are trackable and useful. There are also many tricks that have been learned along the way on how to maneuver through ever-growing maze of guidelines and regulations and restrictions. Permission email marketing can be a costly endeavor, or, if done well, it can be an easy revenue stream and an efficient way of acquiring and managing customers.
This Panel brings the expertise of large companies and their varied specialized skills together in one place to discuss email marketing in a way that can be practically implemented for web developers, professionals, small business owners, and start-ups.
Get the tips and tricks of how to build an enterprise-level marketing campaign, on a small budget, with limited resources. Learn how to design a simple database for marketing needs, and implement methods that will help you report on the campaigns you send out. Work with a vendor who can handle your email needs, and learn the terminology and processes of current email marketing standards. Implement privacy options for your customers, and learn how to create proven, compelling offers. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls of amateur attempts at email marketing.
Free for members, $10 pre-registration, $20 at the door.
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Added by FullCalendar on July 15, 2006