11950 Dublin Canyon Rd
Pleasanton, California 94588

Are you a Web 2.0, software or IT entrepreneur looking to raise angel or VC funding? Need to meet VC's and Angel investors? Take the first step by joining us for our third "Practice Your Investor Pitch" event at the EBIG Startups/Venture Capital SIG, on Monday, April 9, 2007, from 6:30-9PM, at the Crowne Plaza in Pleasanton.

If you've ever watched American Idol, this is a similar format, but the singing is replaced with investor pitches. You'll have 10 minutes to give your pitch, and then get feedback from an outstanding panel of investors and presentation experts. Our purpose is to help entrepreneurs learn if they are "investor ready" and educate the group through example as what constitutes a good investor presentation. You will also come away with investor introductions, and a stack of evaluation forms loaded with suggestions to improve your presentation from the audience.

To apply to present, send an email with a non-confidential, one-page executive summary and your 10-minute PowerPoint presentation to steve@tennantconsulting.com no later than Weds, March 28. The top 4-5 companies will be selected to give a dry run via conference call. Applying sooner increases your chances of being selected. Other than the general admission fee, there is no charge for applying or presenting.

Our panel will be drawn from local VC's, angels, entrepreneur-focused law firms and presentation coaches. Enter your email in the "Notifications" sign-up box for this SIG (lower left corner when viewing this event on the EBIG Calendar) and we will provide an update to our email list subscribers when the panel is confirmed.

If you're raising funding but not yet ready to present, this session is also for you. You'll see several companies actually presenting and come away with a new appreciation for what's required to present your business idea. This tends to be one of our most popular sessions, and space is limited, so register today to reserve your seat!

Free for members, $10 pre-reg, $20 at the door.

Email: info@ebig.org

Official Website: http://www.ebig.org/sig/sig.aspx?SIGid=23

Added by FullCalendar on March 23, 2007

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