Author of the new popular book "Human Factors in Project Management: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques for Inspiring Teamwork and Motivation", Dr.Zachary Wong will provide an insight into "people-based" management skills and techniques that can be applied when working in a team environment.
Ph.D. in Pharmacology & Toxicology and currently, working as Manager, Toxicology and Health Risk Assessment, Dr.Wong will explain his new models in team motivation and behaviors into a single set of principles of "Human Factors". Dr. Wong will show how these factors can be applied to the most challenging issues facing project managers today including:
* Motivating a diverse workforce
* Facilitating team decisions
* Resolving interpersonal conflicts
* Managing difficult people
* Strengthening team accountability
* Communications
* Leadership
Free for members, $10 pre-registered guests.
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Added by FullCalendar on March 12, 2008