11950 Dublin Canyon Rd
Pleasanton, California 94588


"Doing Business in China: What Every CEO Needs to Know"

Is your company considering expanding to China? Join our panel of experts who will share the best practices and common pitfalls for doing business in China. Bring your questions to our panel of attorneys, government support personnel and successful entrepreneurs will share their top "do's" and "don'ts" for expanding into China.

Our distinguished panelists include:
- James Wentworth Mayfield, Jr. - U.S. Export Assistance Center, San Francisco
- Heather Tomasetti, China Business Information Center
- Helen Peng, Partner of Grandell Legal Group, visiting us from Guangzhou, China
- Mark Westwind, Founding Associate Director of the JFK University's Center for Entrepreneurship
- Martin Kaminski, Attorney, specialist in Chinese law
- Moderator: Holly Nelson, McNichols Randick, specialist in American-Chinese and international transactions

Topics include:
- The legal structures that allow US businesses to operate in China
- Intellectual property protection
- Export strategies
- Working with the Chinese government
- Business, cultural and legal obstacles
- Strategic Alliances - How do you find reliable partners you can grow with in China?
- How to conduct effective due diligence on a potential Chinese partners
- Strategies to ensure effective communication with your Chinese partner
- Sourcing and Distribution - How do you get your product from the factory to store-shelves in China
- Market Trends - How can you position your business to take advantage of China's shifting demographics

This session is sure to be an interactive, informative topic. Becoming knowledgeable about doing business in China is a prerequisite to being a successful high-tech CEO in today's global economy. Register now to join us, and we look forward to seeing you on April 10!

Pre-registered $10, day of $15, at the door $20.

Website: http://www.ebig.org/sig/sig.aspx?SIGid=23&EventID=734&old=
Email: StartUps_SIG@ebig.org

Added by FullCalendar on March 31, 2006

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