Each night, we discuss selling techniques, helpful tools, and what has worked to boost eBay sales. The agenda for April is:
This months lineup:
- The new features coming out - what was released at DevCon 09
- User experience - what gets purchases, what widgets work
- A preview of a new listing tool - refine it or provide input based on what you would need
If you wish to present on any aspect of eBay selling, please let the organiser know.
The talking part of the event ends at 9.15 pm. Feel free to stay later and socialise with other eBay sellers.
Upstairs at the Putney Walkabout is great. We've got couches, a big screen for presentations, its own bar, free wifi, and plenty of room to talk to others and listen to the talks.
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/ebayuk
Added by nathanlon on June 18, 2009