618 Jefferson St
Oakland, California 94607

It's a community potluck and party. Help our community rededicate Jefferson Square Park and celebrate Oakland's newest dog park, basketball court and tot lot!

Co-Sponsored by: Councilmember Nancy Nadel, Oakland Parks and Recreation, the Oakland Redevelopment Agency, Old Oakland Neighbors, Oakland Dog Owners Group (ODOG), and 10,000 Steps.

Join us for a:
- Neighborhood Pot Luck
- Community 4Square Game
- Basketball Exhibition by Henry Boone & Roy Byrd
- Children's activities
- Plant exchange hosted by Garden Hortica
- Dog Parade coordinated by ODOGS

What to Bring:
- Yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your dog
- A food dish to share
- Plants or cuttings to share/swap
- Lawn chairs, if you have them

More info, RSVP online and invite others by visiting: http://OldOaklandNeighbors.org

This is a community and volunteer led event, with in-kind support from the City of Oakland, so please let us know if you're interested in volunteering by emailing info@oldoaklandneighbors.org. Old Oakland Neighbors (OON) will need help with setup, hosting duties during the event, and cleanup.

Jefferson Square Park History:
In the 1970s, downtown Oakland was drastically impacted by the construction of freeways and public transit lines. With the sudden disappearance of the neighborhood, this park became severely underutilized. Now in November 2010, Old Oakland Neighbors, a grassroots community group founded in 2006, is excited to show off Oakland's newest dog park and tot lot while celebrating the history and future of this park!

Official Website: http://oldoaklandneighbors.org

Added by FullCalendar on November 4, 2010

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