On Saturday, March 28, 2009 the annual Easter Seals Walk With
Me event will kick off in two locations: Markham Park in Sunrise, FL
and Ponce Circle Park in Coral Gables, FL.
Join hundreds of participants united and excited for a common cause
to help children and adults with disabilities in our community. The
actual Walk may not be far -- just one, or three miles -- but the
journey promises to be extraordinary.
Enjoy a park filled with entertainment and family fun! On-site
activities including games, local mascots, sponsor goodie booths, face
painting, and more will make this day special and give you an
opportunity to enrich the lives of others!
One out of every five Americans knows someone with a disability or
special need. Therefore, we invite you to walk for a family member, a
loved one, a friend, a coworker, a neighbor, or even a stranger.
Register online at www.walkwithme.org/ftlauderdale
Organized by Easter Seals South FloridaThe mission of Easter Seals South Florida is to provide exceptional
services to ensure that all children and adults with disabilities or
special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live,
learn, work and play in their communities.
Official Website: http://sflwalkwithme-upcoming.eventbrite.com