The 2012 Easter Bunny Train Ride is held on March 31st Tickets for these trains usually sell out quickly so do not delay!
Tickets are $9 for children under 12 & $13 for everyone else. Tixs purchased online @ save 50 cents each.
March 31 - Wayne, Route 23 Transit Center 9:30am, 12 noon & 2:30pm.
During the 90 minute ride the Easter Bunny will visit each child and give them a special gift. Bring your camera! Several costumed cartoon characters will be on board too, making it a great day!
2012 trips are funding the restorĀation of: Hamptonburgh NY Caboose Museum and the Middletown & NJ Railroad GE 44 Ton locomotive #1.
Official Website:
Added by FullScale4Me on March 10, 2012