St James' Street
Nottingham, England

After going along to various top notch and very sociable web events over the last year or so like d.Construct, Manchester's excellent GeekUp and the great West Midlands based Multipack - there seems to be a growing enthusiasm amongst the East Midlands Development community for something similar.

So... here it is!

After much discussion with KateMonkey we've decided to throw caution to the wind and try to get something simliar up and running in the East Midlands.

The first meet up will be a chance to work out what people want to do:
- Drink? (well probably yes)
- Talk shop/nonsese? (without a doubt)
- Organise mini-presentations or even bigger techy/design sessions? (who knows)

Bring youself, and other webby types, drink money and your enthusiam!

Added by dexter_mixwith on October 29, 2007