College Street
Petersfield, England GU31 4NT

Staff, volunteers and Trustees of EAST HAMPSHIRE ADVOCACY SCHEME (EHAS) are celebrating their 10 year anniversary by inviting everyone to share a birthday cake at their AGM.

The guest speaker will be Jan Kendall from the Dementia Advocacy Network (DAN), who will speak to the attendees about what DAN does nationally and how DAN fits in locally, give information about advice services that DAN can offer (such as the helpline for advice, training), and talk about current issues in dementia advocacy, such as supporting people with learning disabilities and dementia. You can find out more about DAN at

The AGM will be on Tuesday 2nd June at 2.00 pm in the new United Reform Church Hall, College Street, Petersfield.

The East Hampshire Advocacy Scheme exists to provide advocacy for anyone seeking
help or support, who lives within East Hampshire (as defined by the District Council boundaries), including older people, people with physical disabilities or learning disabilities and those with mental health needs. The service is free, confidential and completely independent. EHAS also set up a Befriending Scheme two years ago for Older People (who reside in Petersfield), and are happy to be extending the Befriending scheme for people with learning disabilities across the area of East Hampshire

Virginia de Cosson, Chair of EHAS said “We are delighted to be celebrating our tenth birthday. The last decade has been very busy for us and the Scheme has gone from strength to strength and we have grown. In addition to our team of volunteers our staff numbers have increased to five. The Trustees would like to thank all those who have contributed to our success, staff, volunteers and those who have supported us financially. We are also very grateful for the continuing support that we receive from East Hampshire District Council.”

Please call 01730 233345 to confirm your place at the AGM. If you are interested in finding out more information about becoming a Volunteer Advocate or Befriender, if you would like an Advocate or Befriender yourself, or know someone that does, call EHAS on – 01730 233345 – or email

Added by on May 14, 2009

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