Do you like craft beer? Ok, I guess you're reading this... Do you find yourself more of an East Coast or West coast kind of drinker? What's that? You're not sure?? Well do we have the event(s) for you all with accompanying Punk Rock sound tracks from both the Right and Left Coast. Come out to the Birdsall House in Peekskill to see two of the best East Coast Brewery's, Victory and Smuttynose go head to head, beer for beer and style for style against two of the West Coast's best breweries Lagunitas and Ballast Point. That's right 5 lines from each brewery each bringing there IPA, Session beer, Porter/ Stout, Imperial IPA and a brewers choice! 5 beers time 4 breweries equals 20 amazing beers!
We will be doing this event in all 5 Boroughs, Long Island and West Chester so gather your friends, pick a style for that night and find out who will win the Ultimate prize of the best brewery, East or West, your votes will decide!
Oh, and expect a lot of cool swag and other fun events. And yes, Jeff the Magic Man will be there performing magic tricks to all the Victory fans!
Onward to Victory!
Added by Victory Sean on January 4, 2011