101 Golf Course Drive
Berkeley, California 94708


Saturday, October 20 and Sunday, October 21 are days of great importance to the East Bay Chapter of CNPS. The 2nd Annual Plant Fair will be held at Native Here Nursery! Bring your checkbook (no credit card facility) to the Fair at Native Here Nursery, 101 Golf Course Drive in Tilden Park, across from the golf course main parking lot.

Vendors of plant related art and crafts will be there. Check the chapter website www.ebcnps.org throughout October for updates to the schedule.

Selected plants from habitats throughout California have been brought in for the Fair to augment the thousands of local natives grown at Native Here. Seeds will be sold by the Regional Parks Botanic Garden's Seedy Friends.Bulbs will be available, most of them grown from locally collected seed. The Fair will offer a wide selection of books related to native plants, gardening and natural history.

Special plants, books and other items will be silently auctioned, with the auction closing at 2:30 on Sunday. Proceeds from the Fair will support the work of the Chapter throughout the year.

Volunteers are needed to help sell plants, bulbs, seeds and books; to write up sales and cashier; to help in the holding area; and offer breaks to other volunteers. Contact Elaine Jackson Elainejx@mindspring.com to volunteer for either day of the Fair or to help with set-up and/or clean up immediately before and after the Fair.

Volunteers are also needed to complete a variety of tasks (see sidebar) before the Fair. If you are available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday mornings in October, come to Native Here Nursery at 101 Golf Course Drive in Tilden Park and there will be a task for you! You may also contact the nursery by e-mail nativehere@ebcnps.org or leave a phone message at 510 549-0211. (We could also use a volunteer to retrieve and return calls the week preceding the Fair).


Official Website: http://ebcnps.org

Added by FullCalendar on September 28, 2007