On Tuesday, August 21st I will be hosting an East Bay iPhone
Developers Meeting, at 7pm until 10pm in our www.BerkeleyCoworking.com conference room. The address and directions are on the website, and it is two blocks from Ashby BART.
We can only fit 25 people, so I'm using the Upcoming RSVP system to limit the attendees to that number. You can register at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/234913/ . If you register and end up not being able to attend, please change your registration to no so that someone else can take your place. There is no charge for attending.
Like iPhoneDevCamp and MacHack, I'd like to focus on things that we can build together. Some possibilities:
* A microformat for describing iPhone webapp services. This could include icon, description, pointers to special web pages, etc.
* Support of various microformat standards like hCard.
* An iPhone standard UI and examples for OpenID.
* Exploration of what we can do usefully with Safari Canvas.
If you have some other suggestions on what we should discuss, post them at http://groups.google.com/group/iphonewebdev/browse_thread/thread/f7b0ddfe3af2b140 .
So bring your laptop development environment, your iPhone, and your ideas!
Official Website: http://groups.google.com/group/iphonewebdev/browse_thread/thread/f7b0ddfe3af2b140
Added by ChristopherA on August 5, 2007
doh! google dance tonight, work is paying for it, dont think I can make it anymore :(
For the "webapp services", consider the work on hWidget.
I signed up thinking I was good to go, only to double check my calendar and get shot down. Thanks for putting on the event. Hopefully I can make the next one.