Sorry about the late posting! If not many people are signed up that's why. We regularly have 50 people or more attend.
EAST BAY GREEN DRINKS is a monthly gathering of people interested in sustainability, including green business, architecture, design, building, organics, clean energy and other topics.
READYMADE magazine is our sponsor this month!
ReadyMade will be giving away three subscriptions and free copies of their magazine. Staff members will be on hand to discuss their upcoming GREEN BUILDING ISSUE, for which they're currently seeking submissions. They're looking for great project ideas that emphasize reuse and green materials, as well as stories about sustainable buildings and today's eco trends and myths. Please bring any and all ideas, as well as prototypes, photos or sketches.
ReadyMade is a bimonthly print magazine for people who like to make stuff, who see the flicker of invention in everyday objects - the perfectly round yolk in the mundane egg.
And to top it off, Triple Rock Brewery is taking $2 off pitchers for our group.
We had 50+ people together in October! Join us in good spirits and community.
Official Website:
Added by ivanoats on November 15, 2006