291 Geary St.
San Francisco, California 94102

Photographers & Photojournalists!

Fotovision SlideSlam: Next Slideslam will be November 19th

Every Third Thursday of the Month 7-9pm

SlideSlam is a FREE monthly event providing aspiring and professional photographers the chance to present their work. SlideSlam is open to all Fotovision members as well as the general public. We aim to be an interactive community so we welcome your ideas on presenters, format, potential sponsors, and future themes!

Starter food and drinks are provided, but we encourage you to bring something potluck-style. No alcohol for any students under 21.

Projects selected for the SlideSlam will be reviewed by Scott McKiernan, founder of ZUMA Press photo agency, for potential publication and international media distribution. A free 11x14 printing at Pictopia's professional photo lab will also be raffled off each month.

SlideSlam Format
Selected participants have 5 min. to introduce themselves and present 20 images or multimedia work. No more than six people will present at each event. The audience has a chance to ask questions and/or provide feedback for 5 min. after each presentation

Submission Deadline
November 17th, 12 noon

Submission Guidelines
Email 20 images centered on a single theme (both ongoing and finished projects accepted)
File format: JPG under 5mb per image (roughly 8”x10” dimension, but can be full-frame or panoramic)
NO masking or borders, backgrounds, or other artistic effects are allowed
Download, complete and save TITLE slide as firstname_lastname_0.jpg
Name all images as firstname_lastname_number.jpg (Example: john_smith_1.jpg)
Email title slide and images to slideslam@fotovision.org (NO zipped or compressed folders)

Multimedia Submission Guidelines
There is a 5 min. maximum runtime
Send an email with your name, project title and a link to your online piece to slideslam@fotovision.org

Everything Else
You MUST be present at SlideSlam for your work to be displayed.
Fotovision may limit presentations based on number of submissions and time.
Projects may not be re-submitted more than once a year, unless 50% of the images are new (i.e., a work in progress that is later finished)
Selected photographers will be notified by Fotovision.

SlideSlam Night
There is 10 minutes total for selected participants to present images, speak about the project and answer audience questions.
Fotovision may limit number of slideshows based on number of submissions.
Visitors to the SF Bay Area are also welcome to present.

Become a sponsor and get your tax writeoff, too:
If you or a business you know can donate food, wine or drinks please contact us at slideslam@fotovision.org

Gallery 291, San Francisco
291 Geary Street, Floor 5
San Francisco, CA 94102

Please note:
Due to the location of this event, please arrive on time in order to assure access past the front door into building. Thanks and see you there!

Every Third Thursday of the Month 7-9pm

Cost: Free!

Official Website: http://fotovision.org/pages/indexEvent.php?event=261

Added by Eva Gronenthal on August 19, 2009