Anywhere, Ontario

With growing concern about the effects of global warming, Earth Hour demonstrated that collectively people can make a difference. So what happened?

* 50 million people around the world switched off their lights for one hour
* More than 370 cities, towns and municipalities took part
* Earth Hour was held in more than 35 countries across seven continents, including Antarctica across more than 18 different time zones
* From the Middle East to Asia to Europe and the Americas – millions from all corners of the globe played a part and celebrated Earth Hour in their own local way
* 40,000 people gathered at a pedal powered concert in Tel Aviv; 19,000 people gathered to hear Nelly Furtado sing in Toronto, Canada; businesses, school groups, communities and individuals celebrated all over the world with candle lit dinners, torch parties and street celebrations
* The lights of the Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta USA switched off as did the famous Coke sign in Kings Cross, Sydney as well as the Coke billboard in Times Square, New York. Google home page went black.
* Iconic buildings and landmarks went dark including the infamous Alcatraz Jail in San Francisco, The Sydney Opera House, The Sears Tower, Azrieali Tower in Tel Aviv, Tivoli in Copenhagen, The Coliseum in Rome, Italy, Jumeirah Hotel in Dubai and the lights of Brighton Pier in the UK.

Earth Hour 2008 was the biggest voluntary power down in history. It inspired many people and businesses to change their energy habits and has influenced government policy in some countries.

World Wildlife Fund is proud to have had the involvement and support of so many public officials, famous places, individuals and families, and major corporations – all of whom helped make Earth Hour 2008 a global success.

Earth Hour is all about the small changes that everyone is capable of making in their lives and building the Earth Hour ethos into each days living. Turning the lights off, represents turning the lights on in your mind, to the benefit of emissions reduction. Imagine the result, if everyone around the globe switched off their lights for one hour? Show the world you care with one simple action. Collectively we can make a big difference. Earth Hour joins people together, it can save you money and it can help save the planet. So gear up for what will be the biggest and most important Earth Hour of our planet’s history.

EARTH HOUR 2009 – SATURDAY 28 MARCH 2009 8:30 PM

Official Website:

Added by thegreenpages on July 23, 2008



Turn off your lights on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 8:30pm. Millions
of Canadians will turn off their lights in support of action on climate

Contact: Melissa Tupper, WWF-Canada (


Let's do more than just shut off the lights..shut off all the household power if possible, or at least all non-emergency power. As a family we have started doing what we call EARTH HOUR +: we are shutting the household power (at the circuit panel) off every Saturday night from 7-8pm. We also are now shutting off the household power from 11pm to 7am Friday and Saturday nights. We have recently started this so are eager to see what difference it will make to our Hydro bill!