The Earth Day Marin Festival & Climate Change Solutions Day of Action will be a fun, free, family-friendly event including inspiring speakers, comedy, music, local organic food, hands-on activities, actions to take, and family fun. Rain or shine. Food by Drake Bay Oysters, Barbary Coast Bistro and Lydia's Organics.
The line-up includes international award-winning photographer Garth Lenz (TEDx, NYT, TIME), Peter Joseph of Citizen's Climate Lobby, Tamra Peters of Resilient Neighborhoods, Peter Barnes, author of Climate Solutions: A Citizen's Guide, Supervisor Kate Sears, Jack Broadbent CEO of BAAQMD, Cofounder Viviendo Verde Ya David Escobar, Comic Swami Beyondananda and musicians Spark & Whisper, Matt Jaffe, Sol Doc, Peter Asmus, Dore Coller and more. Bring acoustic instruments to participate in carbon free jams at 11:30am and 3pm.
Sea Party, a carnival for kids developed by Greenwood School 7th and 8th graders will feature games that teach families about coastal and watershed animals. Native music and storytime, facepainting, electric cars and more.
Meet at The Bicycle Works in San Anselmo at 10am for a group ride led by Renee Goddard, Jelani Bertoni and Mountain Bike Hall of Famer Jacquie Phelan. Secure valet bicycle parking provided by Marin County Bicycle Coalition. If it is difficult for you to get to Larkspur please contact Earth Day Marin about shuttles that can be scheduled for groups.
Actions supporting climate change solutions during the event will be rewarded with free raffle tickets. Grand prize is a 2 night stay at Hale Akua Eco-Resort in Maui.
Major sponsors include: MCE, Marin Transit, Citizen's Climate Lobby, Resilient Neighborhoods, Sunrise Center, Good Green Moving, Lilypad SGS - Small Green Spaces, Marin Sanitary Service, Conservation Corps North Bay, Greenwood School and others. Earth Day Marin is a nonprofit project of MarinLink produced by Hannah Doress Events.
Please visit to learn more.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 11, 2013