6110 - 34 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T3E 5L6

The Green Party of Alberta will be hosting its first Green Carnival and Games Day on Sunday, April 22, 2007.

The event will feature fun and educational environmentally- and climate change-themed games for players of all ages. Players can win carbon credits at each game, and trade in their credits for great eco-prizes! The event will also feature a sustainable arts-and-crafts table for more artistic souls. Healthy snacks and drinks will also be available.

Groups, companies, and individuals interested in sponsoring tables or donating prizes are encouraged to contact Susan Stratton at president@albertagreens.ca. Anyone who wishes to contribute their time and enthusiasm for this event, please contact George Read at leader@albertagreens.ca

Join us on April 22: Learn, play, and celebrate our Earth!

Official Website: http://www.albertagreens.ca/blog/george_read/2007/03/25/green_party_of_alberta_green_carnival_and_games_day

Added by Grant Neufeld on March 26, 2007



Am I correct to assume this is an indoor event?