245 Grand St. b/w Roebling & Driggs, Williamsburg
New York City, New York


Join us for the next installment of EARSHOT at The Lucky Cat, located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn! EARSHOT is a bi-monthly reading series, dedicated to featuring new and emerging literary talent in the NYC area.

*Friday, May 25th, 2007 at 8 PM*
Hosted by Nicole Steinberg

Nathaniel Bellows (author of Why Speak? and On This Day)
PF Potvin (author of The Attention Lesson)
Maggie Hill (Brooklyn College)
John Murillo (New York University)
Julie Polk (The New School)

Admission is a mere $5 plus one free drink (beer, wine or well drinks only)!
The Lucky Cat is located at 245 Grand Street in Brooklyn, between Driggs and Roebling. Visit their website for directions: http://www.theluckycat.com.

Also visit http://www.earshotnyc.com for more information on Earshot or e-mail Nicole Steinberg at earshotnyc@gmail.com

Official Website: http://earshotnyc.com