This series introduces toddlers to the delights of nature at a hands-on level in an unhurried atmosphere. Each session includes an introduction indoors, and then we will go outside for a hike, stopping to discover nature's treasures along the way. This program is also offered on Thursday mornings. - - Insects: September 15 - The insect and spider world is fun and fascinating. Using sweep nets and bug boxes, we'll learn about our busiest neighbors. - - Flowers: September 22 - Become a plant detective and explore the gardens and fields of the sanctuary. Toddlers will take a close-up look at the many colors and shapes of flowers using magnifying lenses. - - Trees: September 29 - What does tree bark feel like? Can you imagine growing roots from your toes? Using several of our senses, we will explore the amazing variety of trees on the sanctuary. - - Seeds: October 6 - How are seeds like boats and helicopters? We'll take apart a seed, blow seeds in the wind, and collect hitchhiking seeds to find out how they travel. - - Leaves: October 13 - We'll look for leaves on the ground and on the trees, participate in a leaf hunt, and make leaf rubbings. Registration is required. Call 978-887-9264 for details. See for more information.
Added by Upcoming Robot on September 9, 2010