The Early Childhood Association (India)- (ECA) presents its first Annual National Conference. The theme is 'ECE-21ST CENTURY, TRANSFORMATIONS AND CHALLENGES', What we know, What we show and How we grow. The conference will present perspectives and panel discussions from experts on the various academic and practical aspects in the lives of children such as nutrition, music, art, confidence building, how the brain functions etc.; An eye-opener for all pre-school teachers, owners, franchises, people associated with NGOs etc;
On : 25th and 26th of February 2012
At : Sea Princess Hotel, Juhu Mumbai.
Time : 9.00am – 5.00pm To register,
log on to:
Head Office: Early Childhood Association 85, Podar Centre, Dr. Ambedkar Road Parel T.T., Parel. Mumbai 400 012
For Maharashtra : Ms. Sheetal : 09970162233
For Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka : Ms.Preeti: 09945065779
For Gujarat : Ms. Indu : 09974933772
For Rajasthan : Ms. Vaishnavi : 09726243407
For Mumbai and Others : Ms. Pramila : 022- 26465393/022- 26488499
Added by pooja kothekar on February 22, 2012