New York
New York, New York

EAA’s First Annual Environmental Video Contest

The Environment Action Association (EAA) is proud to announce our first annual environmental video contest “The Greener me, the Better us.”
EAA invites you to submit a funny, creative video portraying how each of us can do to reduce our environmental impact and what we can do to protect Mother Earth.
Topics include but are not limited to: energy & water conservation, recycling, composting, buying local, reusing, and consumption, etc.
Anyone 18 years or older living in US is invited to use a camcorder, camera or mobile device to record a video clip two minutes or less.
Upload the video to either of the following:
1. Our Facebook Page ‘Environment Action Association (
2. Your “YouTube” account under the subject of EAANYC-The Greener me, The Better us and tag
Videos will be judged on originality, creativity, adherence to theme and number of page views generated.
The contest runs from Jan 5 to March 5, 2012. Winning videos will be announced on Earth Day and available for online viewing at and on the EAA facebook page.

Rules & Procedures:
• Videos must be PG rated
• Videos should be 2 minutes or less
• Finished videos must be uploaded to YouTube
• You may submit more than one video
• If filming others, you must have their permission before it gets posted to YouTube
• Videos must be posted and the link along with the entry form sent to by no later than midnight Eastern Time, Monday, 5 March 2012 to be included in the competition.
First place -$300 cash
Second place -$200 cash
Third place -$100 cash

The Environment Action Association reserves the right to eliminate any video is done is poor taste, deemed inappropriate and/or does not meet the requirements above.
Entry forms are available upon request by email.

Added by Environment Action Association on December 5, 2011