Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Rd
Palo Alto, California 94306


Widely considered the father of the modern environmental movement, scientist E. O. Wilson shares insights on the race to save Mother Earths dwindling biodiversity in a unique talk benefiting Canopys Bay Area urban forestry work. Named one of America's 25 Most Influential People by TIME magazine, and considered Darwins natural heir, Wilson comes to Palo Alto to share visionary ideas on environmentalism.

This Mothers Day, E.O. Wilson will deliver a plea for a new human ethic based on a wiser, more careful stewardship of our vanishing natural world while sharing his optimism that we still have an opportunity to save the living things and wild places that sustain us. For more information about Wilson visit
This lecture-style event will be hosted by Don Kennedy, President Emeritus of Stanford University and editor-in-chief of Science. The event will be emceed by KQED Forum Host Michael Krasny.
The talk will be held at the Spangenberg Theater, Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306.
For more information about school group attendance, please contact

CanopyHealthy Trees, Healthy CommunitiesThe lecture event will benefit Canopys local urban forestry work, planting, growing and protecting area urban forests. Event proceeds will support Canopys Trees for Schools and Kids program engaging students in reforestation projects and tree care activities, and fostering students appreciation for trees through science workshops and campus tree walks. A portion of event proceeds will also enable select area students and educators to attend the event for free.

Organized by Canopy
Canopy is a Palo Alto-based non-profit advocate for the urban forest
and works to educate, inspire, and engage the community as stewards of
young and mature trees.

Ticket Info:  
  • General Admission Ticket, $71.75
  • Family Package, $128.12
  • Preferred Seating Individual Ticket, $128.12
  • Discount/Scholarship Ticket, $35.99
  • 'Cannot Attend' Gift, Free
  • "Cultivar" Sponsorship, $509.95
  • "Species" Sponsorship, $1,009.95
  • "Genus" Sponsorship (Provides 10 scholarships), $2,509.95
  • "Phylum" Sponsorship (Provides 25 scholarships), $5,009.95
  • "Kingdom" Sponsorship (Provides 50 scholarships), $10,009.95

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009