DISTANCE EDUCATION / DISTRIBUTED LEARNING: "E-Learning Comes Together"--the 7th annual conference of Manitoba Association for Distributed Learning and Training--will be held on May 8-9th at University of Manitoba. This spring conference focuses on the blend of information and communication technology with the wisdom of educators in learning environments. Dr. Sugata Mitra, the MADLaT keynote speaker, will draw on his experience and work with the IT sector in India to address the issue of education in rural and remote locations. The conference will be held on the 2nd Floor of the University Centre (66 Chancellor Drive).
Those interested in presenting in the "Call for Papers" conference stream, please see details at www.madlat.ca/call_for_papers.htm. Call for Papers deadline is 30 Jan 2008.
Official Website: http://www.madlat.ca/
Added by greyspirit on January 15, 2008