DX Presents: 'Alternative Visions' - FREE!
Wednesday, July 9
6:00 - 8:30pm
DX - Ground Floor
Join us at the DX for 'Alternative Visions' - an evening of exploration, imagination, and discussion about the present and future of our cityscapes.
Beginning at 6pm sharp: book launch of the newest DX publication 'Ourtopias' . Enjoy a panel discussion on stimulating ideas for changing cities through good design. Learn more from four of our city's leading architectural experts about what co-editor Philip Beesley calls "potent possibilities for a thriving Toronto." *Seating is limited - please come early!
Moderator: Philip Beesley, 'Ourtopias' Co-editor and Associate Professor, University of Waterloo
Ian Chodikoff, Architect and Editor, Canadian Architect
Chris Hardwicke, Associate, Sweeny Sterling Finlayson & Co.
Bruce Kuwabara, Founding Partner, KPMB
Charles Waldheim, Associate Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto
This panel presentation is presented by DX in partnership with Canadian Design Research Network and Riverside/UWSA Press.
Stay for the 7pm exhibition opening of Ian Chodikoff's show entitled 'Fringe Benefits: Cosmopolitan Dynamics of a Multicultural City'. The exhibition explores questions and ideas that will influence the future identity of suburbs - a geography constantly evolving into something much more dynamic than big-box retail outlets and housing subdivisions. Through photography, video, maps and art, the exhibition explores the surprising ways in which diverse contemporary multiculturalism is shaping our suburbs and improving the quality of our cosmopolitan city. On through July 9 - September 23. Be one of the first to see this great exhibition!
Design Exchange
234 Bay St.
P.O. Box 18
Toronto Dominion Centre
Toronto, Ontario
M5K 1B2
Tel : 416-216-2120
Fax : 416-368-0684
email: catherine@dx.org
website: www.dx.org
Official Website: http://www.dx.org
Added by cwhardwi on June 25, 2008