513 W. 87th Street
Naperville, Illinois 60565

A trance channel is a person who fully incorporates an Ascended
Master or Angelic. Auriel, Donna and Lynn are trance channels.
They fully incorporate the Ascended Masters.
During the channeling you will hear uplifting messages from the Archeia (female Arch Angels) and the Egyptian Family.

Auriel Grace is a channel for the Archeia, the Divine Compliments of the Arch Angels. The Archeia’s messages are about positive ways to empower the self. The Archeia are a resonance or vibration. They have never incarnated as human beings.

Archeia Faith is the Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Michael. Faith will speak about Angels and how their focus is to serve mankind for the highest and greatest good. Her message is how to honor your agreements you made before you came into this life. She gives especial blessings or messages for you. She will sometimes answer questions.

Archeia Grace is the Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Uriel. She teaches us about the equal exchange of energy. It is a life changing experience when Grace speaks of this idea. Grace will not take questions
in a group; she will refer you to Hope.

Archeia Charity is the Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Jophiel. She will speak to you about the vibration of Charity and how it changes your life and those around you. Charity will not take questions in a group;she will refer you to Hope.

Donna Damato is a channel for the Egyptian Family - Isis, Thoth, Anubis, and BAST! Horus & Sobek. Kryon Has joined this group of Ascended Masters!

Channel for Egyptian Gods and Goddess’ Donna brings messages from the Egyptian Gods and Goddess’ to you. Messages given during a channeling event are for the whole group and explained so everyone understands them.

Thoth is very scholarly as he is the one who created and taught writing. He is the keeper of all knowledge. His messages are to teach and guide you and to get you over hurdles and blocks that are in your way. He doesn’t always open the floor to questions because he will answer them as he teaches.

Anubis is very firm, direct and to the point. His messages demand your attention as he explains the way things are and are not. He wants you to understand that we are responsible for our lives. He wants us to research some of the information he gives us ourselves thus creating responsibility for our lives. He rarely answers questions, but says it’s a good idea to have an “Anubis question ready, just in case.” [Anubis chuckles]

Isis is pure elegance. Her words and way of communicating leave you feeling regal and loved. She raises the vibration of the people and the room to one that is compatible with her compassionate resonance. Her words and tone leave you feeling uplifted and cared for. She is the one who usually will answer your questions.

During this time you will receive a blessing from Archeia Faith, a Heart Attunement and Universe Blessing from Isis. Archeia Hope & Isis are the ones who usually answer questions, so please come prepared with a question you would like answered.

Recording devices are welcomed. DVD's available for $15.00 and will be mailed to your home. RSVP to info@agangofgirlsproductions.com cost is $25.00 per person

Official Website: http://www.agangofgirls.com

Added by aurielgrace on March 14, 2011