A workshop and case study discussing Dulwich OnView (http://www.dulwichonview.org.uk), the blog of the Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery - organised by Membership Management Forum (MMF), a networking group for professionals working in membership in the cultural sector (http://www.membershipmanagementforum.org/) in association with the Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery.
Ingrid Beazley and co-editors with the editorial team of Dulwich OnView will give a presentation on the blog followed by a Q&A. Yang-May Ooi and Angie Macdonald from ZenGuide social media consultancy (http://www.zenguide.co.uk) who helped set up Dulwich OnView will also be available to advise on blogging and social media.
For further information about the Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery & Dulwich OnView go to 24 Hour Museum -
Open to Members of MMF and Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery. Contact a.slater[at]lcc.arts.ac.uk by Thursday 20th November to reserve your place.
Added by yangmayooi on October 16, 2008