With the grand migrations to SXSW many bands are on the move and coming through town. A real cool one, Black Horse , will be playing with Duende! and Heroes & Villians at the Belmont Thursday March 29th with what looks like the last date on their spin westerly and before heading back to Brooklyn.
Enthusiasts of the Detroit scene should note the close ties between New York and Detroit bands with both cities unconventional line ups and approaches to play the rawest,purest rock'n'roll possible. Black Horse are April singing and playing guitar and A.P. also on guitar and vocals metering themselves off programmed beats and it still sounds organic and relevant like the Kills or Detroit's own Carjack. Come on out and rock'n'roll with a New York City and Detroit hand shake......OLE!
Detroit's own desert rock band..
Official Website: http://myspace.com/duendetroit
Added by locognosis on March 22, 2007