Dallas Social Venture Partners presents its monthly First Friday luncheon on Friday, Nov. 2 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Park City Club, 5969 Sherry Ln., 17th floor. First Friday was created as an opportunity for Dallas Social Venture Partners to present its investees (the non-profits it assists) to current and potential members. Admission is $20 and includes lunch. Call 214-855-5520x 3 to make a reservation.
December’s luncheon will highlight DSVP’s investee Educational First Steps. Educational First Steps is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality and availability of early childhood education for disadvantaged Dallas area children between the ages of birth to five. We are an association of professionals and volunteers bound together by a commitment to provide for these children the possibility of a future they would otherwise be denied.
EFS strives to help thousands. Each year brings an opportunity for many Dallas children to eagerly embark on their first year of school. But thousands of children, due to a lack of preparation in a preschool learning environment, will, instead, set forth upon a difficult uphill journey where they will find themselves always one discouraging step behind. EFS believes early intervention, through funding and support of selected preschool programs, is the key to giving these children the educational foundation they need for a promising future.
A spirit of partnership is at the heart of Educational First Steps. The nonprofit organization provides scholarship support and professional assistance for the development of quality instructional programs and the improvement of the total learning environment. To that end, EFS affiliates ourselves with a number of preschools and childcare centers that demonstrate genuine interest in improving the educational focus of their programs and have excellent potential. Educational First Steps also serves as a liaison between selected childcare centers, preschools, and community resources in the areas of staff training, special programs administration, finances, and facilities.
Dallas Social Venture Partners is an organization of committed individuals who give their time, expertise, and financial support to Dallas nonprofit agencies that focus on education and children at risk. DSVP’s venture capital model, investing for the long term, applies proven business methodologies to help its agencies achieve their goals. Visit DSVP.org for more information.
DSVP's 2007 Philanthropy Education events are sponsored by The Dallas Foundation. For press information: Lisa Taylor, 214-943-1099, lisatmp@swbell.net.
Official Website: http://dsvp.org
Added by sarahjanesemrad on October 31, 2007