Join us at 6:00pm on Monday September 28, 2009 at HDLab (aka. the Dhamalab) for the Vancouver Drupal Users Group September meeting. This month's presentations:
Why Secure Code Practice Matters
Independent security consultant Rui ("Roy") Pereira, WaveFront Consulting Group discusses real world exploits like cross site scripting and SQL injection, and how secure coding practice will prevent them. Rui has over 25 years of experience in Information Technology, and has specialized in Information Security and Audit for the last 15. He works as an independent computer security consultant specializing in vulnerability assessments, penetration testing / ethical hacking, wireless and application security, security awareness and training.
What's New in Drupal 7
There's some amazing stuff in Drupal 7. You've probably all heard about the user experience stuff, but have you heard about hook_page_alter and it's ability to modify a page before rendering? Core developer Károly Négyesi (chx) will give us a quick tour of the Drupal 7 developer highlights and be available to answer questions.
Official Website:
Added by dalem on September 22, 2009