Are you looking for a new platform for you website? Curious as to what all this talk is about the open source content management system Drupal?
We’re organizing a brief, lively, and tasty introduction to Drupal for professionals. It will take place in Washington, DC, on Thursday, March 5 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm during the DrupalCon conference – an event that’s bringing 1,300+ Drupal developers to learn, share ideas, and advance Drupal. For those not familiar with Drupal and its community, being immersed in DrupalCon DC – with some instruction – is the perfect way to find out more.
Our discussion will be geared towards professionals reviewed Drupal. We’ll demonstrate the software’s capabilities, discuss the support services available, and give an orientation of the open source community behind it. We’ll also dive into case studies of Drupal websites and will explain the production process behind them from start to finish. After the presentations, we will have plenty of time for questions and answers with Drupal experts.
The event costs $20 and includes lunch.
Thursday, March 5
12:30 – 1:30 pm
Washington Convention Center
Enter in the L street entrance, by 9th Street
Mount Vernon Square/Convention Center metro stop on the yellow and green metro lines
If you have any questions about the event, please contact our event coordinator Rachael Boggan: rachael [at] chapterthree [dot] com.
Official Website:
Added by Zack Rosen on February 19, 2009