Our second monthly meetup for those using, or who are interested in using the 'community plumbing' Drupal (http://drupal.org) system.
This month we'll be trying out a Drupal 'Dojo' session from 6-8pm - four half-hour slots where if you have any specific questions about Drupal you want answered we'll be there to help.
To book a session join the Google Group and add your name and ideally what you'll be asking about to the Drupal Dojo page (or post to the list if that doesn't work) so we can research if necessary!
There's no charge for this but of course keeping the throat wet always helps when answering questions ;) With this in mind, please book an early session if asking particularly mind-bending questions ;)
Dojo Booking page:
Also add your details if you're a specific expert in the area and want to come along and help answer questions, or are interested in the topic and want to join in the learning.
We'll be sharing the evening with the Farm freelancers meetup (http://www.brightonfarm.com/).
There's also a google group set up so come and join that even if you can't make the events!
Official Website: http://groups.google.com/group/drupal-brighton
Added by stevepurkiss on February 7, 2009